On 1/14 We Review a Re-Write of Jim Vaglica’s Feature “Use of Force”

What a great way to kick-off to the semester on January 7th with a giant crowd in attendance to discuss Sarah Zeiser’s TV pilot, Aquitaine.
On Monday, January 14th we’ll experience something completely different when we review the feature Use of Force by ex-policeman, Jim Vaglica.

Forged into the life of a sociopath, this rookie cop vows to crush the delusional leader of a vicious gang, before his life implodes.

Jim Vaglica is retired from the Waltham Police. He spent 16 years on an elite regional SWAT team tackling hundreds of missions, including the search and capture on the 2nd Boston Marathon bomber.

Jim is also a  Strength & Conditioning Specialist, power lifter and obstacle racer.
His writing career began with articles published on the world’s largest fitness website, Bodybuilding.com. His reputation landed him on two major network TV reality shows.
Jim is married with two adult children and he works, part time, in executive protection and small acting gigs.
LOCATION:  66 Winthrop Street, Cambridge MA
TIME:  7:00 – 9:00 PM
COST:  $20.00