February 10 Robert Tremblay
February 24 Genine Tillotson & Andrew Lemelman
March 3 Joel Karlinsky
March 17 Will Holland
March 24 Jim Lantos
April 7 Daniel Blake Schwartz
April 14 April Lecours
April 28 Bobby Cappocia
May 12 Andrew Lemelman
May 19 Judy Richland
HSSW’s attendance policy: Anyone seeking a review in a given semester also needs to attend at least two reviews prior to his or her own in that semester (with the exception of the first person being reviewed who must attend two thereafter). Why? Call it “Pay It Forward.” The only other exception will be authors with hardships (medical issues, family crises, financial difficulties, whatever).
Please contact us at to arrange submission of your material for review. All materials must be submitted in electronic form, in PDF format, two weeks prior to review date. Please proof your materials to make certain that your documents look exactly as you want the readership to see them.
In addition to a properly proofed and formatted outline, detailed treatment or script, the author must submit:
- a mini bio
- a logline
- the genre of the piece
- a hi-res photo suitable for cropping
- author-level membership payment if not already made.
Harvard Square Script Writers recommends registering your material with the Writers Guild of America prior to review.