For me, writing is a part-time job, full-time passion. There never seems to be enough time to get the words on paper exactly as they appear in my head. That’s where HSSW comes in. Having a talented, constructive screenwriting group feels like an extension of the writing process itself. I heard once if you want to be a writer, surround yourself with writers. It’s true. I’m never more excited to write than after a HSSW meeting. Sometimes, I even find myself writing for them, anticipating their ideas and improvements, and I welcome the company in my head.

–  Eafat Newton, Quarter Finalist PAGE Awards, 2014; Runner-up Drama-Family, Woods Hole Film Festival 2014; Finalist PAGE Awards 2018

I joined the Harvard Square Script Writers some years ago. It’s a wonderful writers group and has, without a doubt, helped me improve my writing markedly. Both reviewing scripts and having my scripts reviewed [at HSSW] has definitely sharpened my storytelling skills. The set format ensures that you always get positive feedback, but also direct honest feedback about issues your script may have. It isn’t always easy to hear critical notes about your work. 🙂 But the intent of everyone is always to help you improve your script, and I’m grateful for our members’ input and encouragement over the years. So thank you HSSW!   
– Charlie Lyons, 2020 ScreenCraft Stage Play Finalist; CineStory TV/Digital Original Comedy Winner; Austin Film Festival Semifinalist; multiple 2nd Rounder at the Austin Film Festival.


Genine and HSSW were invaluable to me. They distilled my draft, offered insightful suggestions on how to tie story threads tighter, then sent me away brimming with encouragement. Muchas gracias to all of them.

– Clark Carroll, Semi-Finalist, Austin Film Festival 2013; Winner Showtime’s Tony Cox Feature Film Screenplay Competition, Nantucket Film Festival 2014

Sure, we have some exceptional writers who have had lots of success with their screenplays, but HSSW meetings are valuable to someone like me, too — a small-time filmmaker who works on micro-budget, short films. I’ve learned so much from Genine and the group, and my writing has benefited — and not just from hearing the thoughtful perspectives from other writers, but also by reading and thinking about the scripts presented week after week. Of course, I’m hopeful that one of my feature-length scripts might some day get the attention of someone at, say, A24, but really the reason I write is because I love to do it. And it’s obvious that everyone in the group feels the same way.

– Rick Groleau, writer/director of five films that have screened at 20+ regional film festivals

HSSW is critical to me as a screenwriter because not only do I receive one opinion about my script, I receive multiple opinions, and not just from friends who may not want to hurt my feelings with any negative comments. The group offers both positive feedback and constructive criticism. Both are invaluable, especially the latter as the feedback helps improve my script and gets it polished for the next step in the process: selling it. HSSW gets a script ready to go to the big show.

–  Bob Tremblay, film critic, current feature film script Death Gets a Life optioned

Harvard Square Script Writers has been instrumental in my development. Participating in the review process with HSSW honed my script writing skills and gave me the confidence to submit my work to festivals, competitions, agents, studios and networks.  I was very fortunate to find HSSW and am grateful for my 10+ year association with the group.

–  Wyndham Lewis, writer Nurse Jackie, current series in development