Enter The Sci-Fi World of “The Siphonist” on Monday, September 24th

Welcome to the world of 2051 where immortality might be possible by storing your memories forever. For a price, the Sentience Corporation will retain this core of your identity and even allow your loved ones to access them. But what happens when the memories are stolen or altered?

Join is for this TV pilot The Siphonist on September 24th.

We’ll also take a look at Joel’s backstories, discuss what a backstory should include, and look at TV act structure in the context of this script.

PILOT LOGLINE: A killer with memory deficits and his virtualized dead brother team up to recover a mysterious encrypted disc.

Joel Karlinsky is a semi-retired Professor of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Boston University and has been a member of the Harvard Square Scriptwriters for over twelve years, currently acting as Board treasurer. He has written eleven features, mostly comedic. Several have been semi-finalists in screenwriting contests. One, Zombie Cop, was a finalist of the 2015 Stage 32 New Blood Contest, and was stage-read at the Central Square Theatre in Cambridge, MA in 2014. Most recently, The Magic Hourglasses was a semi-finalist in the Creative World contest.

LOCATION:  66 Winthrop Street Cambridge – two blocks from Harvard Square

TIME:  7:00 – 9:00 PM

COST:  $15.00

We’ll retire after the meeting for drinks and snacks at the nearby Russell House Tavern.

Just learning about Harvard Square Script Writers and wish you had the script?  Write to director Genine Tillotson to be added to our mailing list.  Or sign up on our site.