On Monday Oct. 15th We’ll Take A Look at “Possessions”

On October 15th we’ll be reviewing new member Stephen Polakiewicz’s horror feature Possessions.


A struggling father wins a storage unit at auction. Just his luck, every item is possessed by a demon.

About the Author:

“Florida Man believes wrestling event is haunted by the ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage.” – Tampa Tribune. Not an article about Steve, but it summarizes him well. Hailing from that humid land of endless strip malls, Steve edits TV commercials for a living and hacks away at screenplays for a hoot. He’s about to attend his 5th Wrestlemania.

Does the script sound intriguing but you’re not on our mailing list?  Write to admin@hsswriters.com to receive our weekly screenplays and industry notices.

LOCATION:  66 Winthrop Street, Cambridge

TIME:  7:00 – 9:00 PM

COST: $15.00

Join us after the script review for snacks and drinks at the nearby Russell House Tavern.