New Faces at HSSW – Meet the Interns

We have had some new faces join HSSW for the summer! On May 18th four hardworking, enthusiastic, Emerson College film students, majoring in screenwriting, came on board to assist in our very ambitious summer. Though they all share the same major, they have very different aspirations for their futures.

Rose Paleologrosepaleologosos is twenty-years old and grew up in the suburbs of Boston. She has always loved storytelling. Don’t ask what her favorite movie is because there are too many to choose from (although Friends will always be her number one TV show)! She loves rereading Gone With The Wind and listening to Jim Dale’s rendition of Harry Potter on audiobook.

Common pastimes for Rose include working at her hometown’s ice cream shop, listening to show tunes, jogging along the Charles, drinking tea, playing Scrabble (creaming her opponents), hanging out with close friends and family, and being goofy to keep the mood light. She is extremely excited to study abroad this fall in Scotland and she dreams of living in Los Angeles after graduating Emerson.


Lindsay Peichel is an aspiring animation writer and critic. Her interests are animation ( both foreign and American), sexual orientation education, Christianity’s intersection into millennial culture, and plus size fashion; which are all elements she incorporates into her creative work. Some of her favorite films are Pan’s Labyrinth, Silence of the Lambs, White Chicks, and Princess Mononoke.

On top of this internship and her hostessing job in Kendall Square, she is working on the script for a film musical and binge watching Orange is the New Black.  If she was not in film school, she would be on the path of seminary.

ShepPriceShepard Price grew up in the suburbs of Chicago but has always preferred big cities – including Los Angeles, New York, and Vancouver. His favorite movie is Dr. Strangelove – directed by another of his favorites, Stanley Kubrick. His favorite television show is Psych. He loves sports, especially hockey – specifically his hometown Chicago Blackhawks, as well as politics and late night television.

Shepard passes time writing short stories about human issues faced by non humans (Leprechaun running for Office? Dog losing a child to College? Orc dealing with a loss of faith?), figuring out how exactly he’s going to be Treasurer for the Class of 2017, writing standup jokes, and in general being a happy-go-lucky goofball. He wants to be the next Stephen Colbert/Bill Murray.


JayAlbaJay Alba is an aspiring animation writer with a love for sci-fi and fantasy.  Her hobbies vary from reading, to martial arts, to puppies. Growing up, she dreamed of an adventurous life, inspired by the many books she read. For a very long time, she pictured herself as an author of young adult Dystopian fiction. Her fascination with film and television was a recent development.

Generally, she is a background character, and prefers to let her work speak for itself. After college, she plans on moving to LA to write for television. She hopes to some day write the next How to Train your Dragon sequel. Had she not chosen film school, she would have made a fine accountant.